Friday, May 30, 2014

Val Marisa - Freelance Designer

Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has had a fantastic week, and has multitudes of adventures planned for the weekend. 

I’d like to take a moment to shine the spotlight on Melbourne Freelance designer Val Marissa. I’ve been fortunate enough to know Val for quite a number of years, watching her grow creatively and produce some beautiful work. A graduate from Whitehouse, I recently sat down with Val and had a chat to her about life, career, and what inspires her. 

Tell me about your freelance work, and how it got started?
"I graduated from Whitehouse hoping to start up my own label, however with the birth of my beautiful son I decided to concentrate more on exclusive one off garments. I found that a lot of my friends were getting married, and there was a real niche market for wedding and brides maid dresses. When my son was born, I also got really fascinated with kids wear. After making little things for him I realised that there is an even bigger market in children's wear, especially boys clothing."
What inspires you?
"I live in the hills up near Olinda so am constantly inspired by nature and my natural surroundings. My sewing room is great, it gets the morning sun that beams through the branches of the tress, and looks out onto all the wild life we get around here. My little boy is also obviously a big inspiration, especially in terms of children's wear."
Who are your favourite designers?
"I went to uni with two girls named Kate Brook and Kajsa Kvernmo. They have started up a label called APOM (A Part of Me) which is trendy, neat, and at the same time a little bit edgy with the prints they use. I love it! I also really like Gorman and the classic feel of Chloe."
Who is your fashion icon?
"An all time favourite icon of mine is Edie Sedgwick. I love everything about her!"
What are your future career aspirations?
"I want to eventually start up a children's wear label, putting together the practically of the clothing whilst displaying the playfulness and personality of the child. You having pants with actual pockets for them to put their little treasures in!"
Photographer- Rupert Laycock
Model- Lauren Nicholas
H&MUA- Jordanna Hiban-Moss
Stylist- Stanley Does Style
Sahhh cute!!!

I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for Val. Judging by the photos of her garments, I would say big things! 

Peace & Love

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