Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hello & Welcome!

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Katelyn, I am a 25year old fashion photographer and writer currently residing in my home town of Melbourne. I drink copious amounts of tea, am a self proclaimed book worm, love to travel, am the Queen of really horrible (hilarious) dad jokes, I live in Toorak with flatmates and a cute little King Charles named Sadie, but most importantly I am extremely passionate about photography! 

I have worked as a photographer for Modelling agencies and studios, but now I work for myself yay!! I get to meet some pretty interesting and amazingly talented people in my industry. I’d like to use 'Silk Shutter' as a platform to showcase fashion photographers work, mine included, and document my collaborations with different creatives in the industry. I’ll be posting interviews with industry professionals such as fashion designers, models, stylists, makeup artists and gallery curators. I’ll be taking you on intimate tours into their studio and working spaces, offering fellow fashion photographers tips and advice, scouting and sharing beautiful shoot locations, reviewing products, and most importantly having fun! This blog will be an exclusive look behind the scenes of the fashion industry, with the spotlight being on the talent that makes the industry truly phenomenal. 

So….how about I show you some of my work! At the end of 2011 I entered an image into the fashion category of the “Pedestrian Rayban Photographer of the year Awards”. After two months waiting with baited breath, I received a phone call telling me my image had made it into the finals!!! I was then asked if I would like to fly to Sydney for the party where they would announce the winners. After a few too many ciders, the time had finally arrived. “The winner of the fashion category is…..KATELYN REW!!!!”. I staggered up on stage, recited the most unprepared speech never written, and hopped down clutching a massive bag full of new camera goodies, and a beautiful crystal trophy. To this day, that was one of the happiest moments of my life! 

The winning photo in question was taken in an extremely luxurious and exclusive location, the pool in my backyard. My friend had come over to hang out, and I made her jump in and whip her hair back and forth (before Willow Smith made it cool). I then overlaid a few patterns, played around with opacities, and voila!! 

In fact, I quite like playing around with patterns, especially clouds! This image was shot on the French Riviera (in Nice to be exact) ooh la la!

I also like to get young woman to whip their hair around...a lot

I lived on the Gold Coast for a little while working for a modelling agency, spending my days on the beach, and doing a lot of location shoots! I have fair skin, I wore a lot of sunscreen. 

And now for some more long legs, overlaid patterns, and inside out umbrellas. 

Sometimes I photograph men, but I much prefer woman. The opposite of my sex life aye aye aye, see what I did there ;) 

Anyhoo, I hope you like my work! Please feel free to follow 'Silk Shutter'. I'm super excited for what's to come, and the journey this project will take me on.

Peace & Love

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